All the components to convert your biomass streams into CO2-neutral energy
In addition to a biomass combustion unit and a flue gas treatment system, which ensures that the flue gases meet the highest emission standards, you need a storage and transport system for generating green heat from sustainable biomass. As an independent engineering and installation partner, we always choose the product supplier that offers the best price-quality solution per component in your unique situation.
For any biomass with a combustible value
- Short rotation coppice
- Pellets
- Wood chips
- Wood Shavings
- Bark
- Wood fibre board
- Miscanthus
- Flax and hemp
- Vines
- Chaff
- Kernels and cores
- Fruit and vegetable stones, peels and shells
- Solid residues from distillation and brewing processes

Storage of your biomass
- Shredders
- Pneumatic filling systems
- Biocontainers/trailers
- Silos
Transporting your biomass
Depending on the architecture of your site, we provide an automatic feed system from the biomass storage facility to the combustion unit
- Rotary extractors
- Moving Floors
- Toploaders
- Chain conveyors
- Screw conveyors
- Buffer silos

Technical solutions for heating/cooling and/or electricity generation

(Residual) heat recovery
- Economizers
- Condensers
- ORCs (Organic Ranking Circle)
- Heat exchangers
- Buffer vessels
Flue gas treatment
- Flue gas recirculation
- (Multi) cyclones
- Filters
- Denox Systems
- Dioxin filters
- Flue gas fans
- Chimneys

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