Finaspan opts for a thermal oil boiler from BIOSYNERGY
The Belgian company Finaspan is one of the largest producers of veneer panels, exporting more than 150,000 of them to various European countries each year. We talked to Louis Mariën, who for the last 4 years has been responsible for Finaspan’s production and business development. Together with his sister Caroline, sales and marketing lead, he oversees the day-to-day running of the company. Louis reflects positively on their successful partnership with BIOSYNERGY. In line with corporate social responsibility, it enabled Finaspan to invest in the greening of its industrial processes with a new thermal oil boiler fuelled by biomass waste.
Passion for wood and craftsmanship: a constant over the years
The company’s deep-rooted passion for wood can be clearly felt in every aspect of the products they create. As Louis enthusiastically explains, wood is a living material. And every veneer panel is unique. Small irregularities only add to the individual character and charm of the interior or project.
“Veneer isn’t just our profession, it’s our passion.”

That passion and craftsmanship have been handed down within the Mariën family for five generations, throughout the 130-year history of the company. Finaspan has adapted to the evolutions in the veneer industry and made a conscious choice to move towards corporate social responsibility.

Corporate social responsibility
As a sustainable company, Finaspan is committed to ecology and corporate social responsibility. The new thermal oil boiler – fuelled by their own biomass made up of non-recyclable waste wood created during production – is a good example of this. It generates the heat needed for the pressing machines. The pure wood waste goes to the chipboard industry to be reused in sheet material, which then gets reused again afterwards. This process is a crucial element of Finaspan’s mission to promote the circular economy, a vision also fully endorsed by BIOSYNERGY.

Expertise in energy-efficient solutions
During the search for a new supplier, Finaspan came across BIOSYNERGY, which carried out a thorough analysis of their needs, provided targeted advice and set up a complete subsidy file. That support delivered enormous added value for Finaspan.
"BIOSYNERGY really exceeded our expectations by being reliable, hands-on, solution-oriented, and willing to work through issues together."
Louis Mariën

Trusted partner for challenging projects
In the end, Finaspan bought a 500kW installation, designed by Uniconfort and supplied by BIOSYNERGY. But once installed, it didn’t provide the capacity they were expecting. The long search for the cause of the problem sometimes led to a lot of frustration. Finaspan suspected it was the heat exchanger causing the issue, even though the supplier disagreed. BIOSYNERGY supported Finaspan and invested in the correct heat exchanger.
Despite the tense relationship with the supplier, for the whole project Finaspan were able to count on the continued support of BIOSYNERGY, who see customer satisfaction as a top priority. Their professional and solution-oriented approach ultimately led to the right result.
The thermal oil boiler, used to press the veneer wood, is fuelled all year round by their own wood waste, resulting in significant financial savings. “On an annual basis, this means a reduction in consumption of 30,000 to 40,000 litres of fuel oil with a cost saving of approximately 30,000 euros,” Louis estimates.
“We were positively surprised by the partnership with BIOSYNERGY,” he says. “They were reliable, hands-on, solution-oriented, and willing to work through issues together, which really exceeded our expectations. They go the extra mile for their customers and don’t hide behind contracts and procedures. BIOSYNERGY proved to be a partner that we would certainly recommend to others,”.
Louis Mariën
All’s well that ends well…

Are you also looking for a trusted partner?
BIOSYNERGY is happy to investigate the opportunities to green your industrial heat demand with biomass residual flows.